Primary Inventor: Krishna P. Singh
Contributing Inventor(s): Stephen J. Agace
Date of Patent Issuance: April 6, 2004
Status: Granted
Jurisdiction: US
Assignee: °ÄÃÅÁùºÏ²Ê¿ª½±½á¹û2023, Inc.
Equipment Type: HI-STORM
Docket Number: HOL-020
Publication Number: US 2003/0147486 A1
Application Number: 10/068,613
Patent Number(s)US 6,718,000 B2

Abstract: An apparatus, system, and method of storing and transferring a canister of spent nuclear fuel. In one aspect, the apparatus is a lid for a ventilated vertical overpack having a chamber for receiving spent nuclear fuel, the lid having ventilation ducts. In one aspect, the system comprises: a lid for a ventilated vertical overpack having a chamber for receiving spent nuclear fuel, the lid having ventilation ducts; and a ventilated vertical overpack having a cylindrical body including lower ventilation ducts, a bottom, and a chamber formed by the body and the bottom adapted for receiving a canister of spent nuclear fuel.